Sharon Historical Commission


Sharon Historic District Commission


Meeting Minutes for

Wednesday, December 8, 2004


In attendance:  Gordon H. Hughes, Chairman, Robert S. Young, Vice-Chairman

Members -                   David A. Martin, Deborah G. Pitman, Shirley A. Schofield,

Alternates -                  & W. Reese Schroeder



Meeting was called to order at 7:40 pm.


  1. Resident, Steve LeSperance of Lyndon Road was in attendance.  Selectman David Grasfield also stopped in to discuss recent developments regarding planning and the use of public lands.
  2. Minutes for the November meeting were read.  D. Martin made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, W.R. Schroeder seconded.  Minutes were accepted unanimously.
  3. G. Hughes sent a letter to Building Inspector, Joe Kent, regarding the plans for  100 Ames Street.  It is our understanding that salvage materials will be made available.
  4. G. Hughes sent a letter to the developer regarding 143 Pond Street and their desire for a demolition permit.  The letter was dated November 11, 2004 requesting a date for the Commission to view the property.  There has been no response. 
  5. Discussion of the King Philip Estates and D. Martin’s role were brought up.  G. Hughes was directed to the Zoning Board by Ben Puritz’s office.  ZBA sent him to Town Counsel and he is still awaiting a response.
  6. A letter was sent to the owners of 13 High Street giving them the go ahead to proceed with work outlined by their contractor.
  7. Closing of Warrant is Monday, January 10, 2005 (1/24 for Selectmen).
  8. D. Pitman made a motion to bring to Town Meeting via the Warrant to encourage TM to name the Community Center the “Frank I. Sullivan Community Center”.  After discussion and debate, G. Hughes offered a second to the motion.  A vote of 4 in favor and 2 opposed resulted.  The Chairman will advise Ben Puritz.
  9. Selectman David Grasfield came into our meeting when he heard that we were discussing events unfolding for planning in the center of town.  The Commission was concerned that issues of historic significance and issues of housing were being mulled over with neither input from nor invitation to this board or the Housing Authority.  Mr. Grasfield praised the Commission for the work we have done and for the suggestions that we have made that have contributed to these plans, such as using public lands to create a “village” and solving multiple problems such as saving historic structures, creating affordable housing, etc.  He also noted that we had suggested better communication within town government and that we should look forward to invitations regarding the discussions with the Planning Board.  The Commission asked him to please also include the Sharon Housing Authority and every board that may be able to impact such discussion.
  10. Annual report information is due at Town Hall by January 30, 2005.  R. Young was to send a copy of the activities of the Commission to G. Hughes so that he could write the report and turn it in to Kathy Byrne.
  11. W.R. Schroeder brought the Commission up to date on creating guidelines for Historic Districts.  He handed out CDs with information compiled.  All agreed that this was a great beginning. 
  12. W.R. Schroeder also reported from the Wilbur Reutilization Committee.  He expressed concerns that this board is discussing tearing the Wilber School down as one possible solution and that the Planning Board is proposing consideration of a septic system on the site.
  13. R. Young updated the Commission on Historic District III.  A map is required to be filed with the Registrar of Deeds still.  Forms from the Mass. Historical Commission need to be completed in order for them to make a redetermination of National Landmark status (last one from 1990 is too old).
  14. R. Young informed the Commission of his attendance at the Mass. Historical Commission meeting held in Canton this past week.  It was a forum to discuss grant writing specifically for documentation grants.  He was going to discuss plans with Marlene Chused and report back to the Commission.  



No further business on the agenda, D. Martin made a motion to adjourn.  This was seconded by S. Schofield and so moved.